
Akenak-Sitzung Pyr Mitschrift

Und hier die Mitschrift von der bislang letzten Akenak-Sitzung in Pyr vom Medis 11, 1st AC 2576 (OOC: 9. Dezember 2013). Bitte verzeiht, daß ich mir diesmal nicht die Mühe gemacht habe, die Gesprächsteile zu übersetzen versuchen, die im Dialekt von Thesos gesprochen wurden. Es waren einfach allzu viele, und wurden ohne Rücksicht selbst vom Senator Abycus Zekops nicht übersetzt, womit der Senator, der sonst ungemein bedacht auf ein bestimmtes für ihn gewohntes "Protokoll" ist, allen Homins gegenüber sehr unhöflich war, die den Dialekt von Thesos nicht beherrschen...

(OOC: wenn ihr das Forum im Browser öffnet, sollte es rechts oben eine Google-Übersetzungs-Funktion geben, die ich normalerweise auch verwende, da ich rein gar kein Französisch beherrsche.

Um Ingame den Unterhaltungen besser folgen zu können, empfehle ich das wirklich tolle Chatlog-Sofort-Übersetzungsprogramm von Casy (AoH): http://allianceofhonor.com/index.php/download/viewcategory/6-publ ic. Wer Englisch beherrscht, möchte darin vielleicht lieber die Übersetzung von Französisch zu Englisch einstellen, denn Französisch zu Deutsch wird von Google oft unverständlicher übersetzt)

Mermaidia sagt: Oren pyr Icus ! *sourit*
Mermaidia sagt: Qui a décidé de changer le lieu de l'assemblée ?
Icus sagt: oren pyr Mermaidia
Icus sagt: Cela fait au moins ... 3 assemblées de Pyr que nous sommes ici
Icus verbeugt sich vor Abycus Zekops.
Icus sagt: oren pyr celiakos !
Kiwalie donne des cookies à Geyos
Abycus Zekops sagt: oren pyr !
Geyos chuchote à Kiwalie : merci, j'aime beaucoup ta tenue
Mermaidia sagt: *se tape le front* Oublie alors ! Akep !
Feylin sagt: Woha senator Abycus, can i be sitting here, under the trees ?
Mermaidia pense pour elle-même : Après tout c'est pas plus mal, il y a plus de place ici.
Abycus Zekops looks at Fey-Lin.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Ce n'est pas très protocolaire...
Abycus Zekops sagt: Vous pouvez vous asseoir où vous voulez hors de l'estrade à condition d'être visible.
Icus sagt: L'akenak Thols sera légèrement en retard, il arrive aussi vite que possibl
Abycus Zekops sagt: Par contre... Pourquoi tout le monde esst-il assis si loin ?
Mermaidia begrüßt Dios Apotheps mit einer vornehmen Verbeugung.
Icus sagt: oren pyr celiakos
Abycus Zekops sagt: Approchez-vous, je n'ai encore jamais mordu personne... enfin... pas récemment.
Zhoi scratches her head, she wonders what was said and what the homins are doing
Dios Apotheps sagt: Bitte kommt näher, es gibt keinen Grund, so weit weg zu sitzen.
Dios Apotheps sagt: Please come closer, no need to sit so far away.
Jarnys nods to known faces greetingly in a hurry
Dios Apotheps sagt: Oren Pyr.
Abycus Zekops sourit à Dios.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Où sont donc les autres akenak ?
Icus sagt: Thols sera un peu en retard, quant aux autres je ne sais pas
Dios Apotheps sagt: Wo sind die anderen Akenak?
Icus sagt: Thols will be late, for the other i don't know
Zhoi pokes Sari, trying to tell her with gestures to put the dead Yubo away
Abycus Zekops croise les bras, les sourcils froncés.
Kiwalie sagt: ( un cc fr ? )
Icus sagt: (/eventfr, ça sera plus simple oui)
Abycus Zekops Un akenak n'est jamais en retard !!! Et il doit prévenir s'il a un empêchement valable !!!
Abycus Zekops ruft: Un akenak n'est jamais en retard !!! Et il doit prévenir s'il a un empêchement valable !!!
Abycus Zekops tape du pied.
Icus translates Abycus : an akenak is never late ! and he must warn if he have a valuable impediment !
Icus translates Abycus : Abycus tap his foot.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Ils m'entendront à leur retour !
Dios Apotheps searches her notes with a calm face.
Thols verbeugt sich tief.
Icus translates Abycus : they will hear me ... when they come back
Icus winkt Thols zu.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Sauf l'akenak Bardor, qui a pris le soin de justifier son absence.
Thols sagt: Excuse me for being late.
Geyos winkt Euracus Cethus zu.
Thols sagt: I had some issues...
Abycus Zekops fait signe à Thols d'avancer d'un petit pas.
Abycus Zekops marmonne quelque chose.
Icus translates Abycus : Except akenak bardor, who warned me of his absence before.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Bien, commençons. Quel akenak présidera l'assemblée ?
Icus translates Abycus : Abycus ask Thols to go one feet further.
Dios Apotheps verbeugt sich vor Thols.
Icus translates Abycus : Abycus mumble something.
Icus translates Abycus : Fine, let's begin. which akenak will preside this assembly ?
Thols sagt: I guess akenak Icus would be better for that than me
Icus sagt: Fine.
Thols sagt: (I got hard lags :/

Icus sagt: Here is the list of the topic i have in mind
Icus sagt: 1)The akenak uniform
Icus sagt: 2)The nomination of the sharük representant at this new international commission
Icus sagt: 3)The kitins observation Camp
Abycus Zekops murmure aux akenak qu'ils ne sont pas bien alignés.
Icus sagt: i think it is all for now
Zhoi raises her hand: I want to add another topic, concerning my letter to the Sharük long ago
Zhoi sagt: and also please let me introduce Awakened Zurchkuchna *points at Zurch*, he is the new Ambassador of the Theocracy assigned to the burning desert
Zhoi sagt: this will be all, thanks
Icus translates Abycus : Abycus whispers to the akenak they are not really aligned.
Thols bows to Zurchkuchna : We already had the pleasure to meet him.
Zurchkuchna bows to Thols, Icus and both senators
Abycus Zekops verbeugt sich vor Zurchkuchna.
Icus sagt: akenak, shall we add something else ?
Icus sagt: akenak and celiakos*
Thols sagt: dey
Abycus Zekops sagt: dey.
Thols sagt: Or maybe a word about the future law... That still isn't ready
Dios Apotheps shakes her head.

Icus sagt: Fine, let's start then. The akenak uniform
Jarnys looks as if he wonders what the law will contain
}Icus sagt: akenak Thols, could you explain the current situation after our meeting with the akenos from Dyron ?
Thols sagt: ney
Thols sagt: So as we decided last time, we went to the akenos assembly of Dyron
Shunto sagt: Oren pyr
Thols sagt: To ask akenos about that case, but they told us they were finally ok with the current uniform...
Thols sagt: So it seems that the case is finally cleared.
Icus sagt: So the uniform will be
Icus sagt: an hobenyx beige vest
Icus sagt: beige hobenus sleeves
Icus sagt: red drogyx pants
Icus sagt: and black rilonus boots
Icus sagt: Is that right akenak and celiakos ?
Thols sagt: Hmm...
Thols sagt: I guess, ney
Dios Apotheps sagt: I remember a suggestion that contained some blue. But I didn't follow the discussion about the uniforms.
Icus sagt: (bardor will come soon)
Fyranth screws up her eyes, not sure about the difference between the two akenos' vests
Dios Apotheps sagt: But I may be wrong and don't want to waste our time on this topic.
Dios Apotheps sagt: So please go on.
Icus sagt: We can wait a little for akenak Bardor, it seems he will finally come
Thols sagt: Good news !
Abycus Zekops sagt: Poursuivons, il rattrapera la discussion en cours.
Maximus translates : He's absent anyway, let's continue.
Bardor sagt: oren pyr
Icus sagt: akenak Bardor *smiles*
Icus sagt: We were speaking about the uniform, and we said it will finally be the one we are used to wear.
Abycus Zekops fait signe aux trois akenak de s'aligner entre les deux celiakos.
Dios Apotheps moves a bit to the side.
Bardor sagt: sorry for being late, but I didn't know if I could make it so I sent a letter to celakios in case I didn't
Icus se déplace un peu pour laisser de la place à Bardor

Icus sagt: We can go on, then ?
Abycus Zekops sagt: ney.
Icus sagt: So, the national representant for this international commission
Icus sagt: Patriot Geyos proposed himself.
Icus sagt: Is there any other candidature ?
Zhoi looks at Geyos: but aren't you a Ranger?
Geyos sagt: I'm not, i'm just helping the ranger for their communication and diplomatical stuff
Geyos sagt: I was very clear to Wilk about me wanting to be a fyros reprensetant but he said this wsn't a problem
Zhoi sagt: ah *nods* thanks for the explanation
Icus sagt: Nobody else ?
Thols sagt: dey
Icus sagt: Then if the assembly agree on his candidature, Geyos will be our reprensentant
Icus sagt: akenak, celiakos ?
Thols sagt: I agree
Abycus Zekops sagt: I agree too.
Dios Apotheps sagt: I agree too.
Bardor sagt: ney
Icus sagt: Then it is done, Geyos will be our representant to this commission who definitively need a name
Icus sagt: Does other country have already choosed their representant, by the way ?
Zhoi nods towards Feylin and Zurchkuchna, but doesn't say anything
Icus sagt: Country and the ranger, of course
Depyraken se gratte jusqu'au sang... rah... fichues termites
Kiwalie gratouille Depyranken
Icus sagt: Seems nothing has been decided, i hope we call start all this very soon
Depyraken chuchote : oui... là... un peu plus en haut... un peu sur la gauche... ahhhhh !
Zhoi shrugs her shoulders
Icus sagt: (can start*)
Shunto pense que les termites ne rongent que le bois et se demande où Depyraken se gratte ?
Icus sagt: akenak, celiakos, nothing to add about this, shall we move on ?
Jarnys wonders what the others are saying/thinking
Dios Apotheps nods.
Abycus Zekops nods too.
Bardor agrees

Icus sagt: The Kitin observation camp, now
Icus sagt: I have sent a letter recently to the leader of the Barkers but no answer at the moment
Icus sagt: But i sent it a couple of days before so nothing alarming, i think
Depyraken se dit que Sartyrica a aussi un problème de termites
Icus sagt: Maybe other tribe can help us, but i don't know them enough.
Jarnys wonders if Icus has considered to ask the Leviers or Water breakers
Dios Apotheps sagt: The Barkers have the most experience in building large structures. They would be the best choice indeed.
Abycus Zekops sagt: Les Percécorces nous ont fait savoir que l'un d'eux viendrait pendant cette assemblée.
Thols seems to be happy to ear that
Maximus translates Abycus : The Barkers told us one of them would come today.
Icus sagt: That's nice.
Zilon sort un sachet de bonbon a la seve ardente et le tend a Zoline
Icus sagt: We will come back on this topic when he will be here, then
Dios Apotheps nods.
Kiwalie pique un bonbon à Zilon
Abycus Zekops nods.
Thols nods
Icus sagt: akenak Thols, you wanted to say something about the new law ?
Zoline en met un dans sa bouche: hum ch'est bon mais cha pique
Icus sagt: We obviously can't vote it thisevening cause there is too few akenak but ...
Thols sagt: Just a few, to say that it would be great to finish the text and translate it, then submit to a first approbation to the akenak or the celiakos
Zilon propose un bonbon a Geyos
Geyos accepte le bonbon avec un air de méfiance
Icus sagt: We already submitted a couple of draft to the assembly, if i remeber correctly
Thols sagt: akenak assembly ney
Thols sagt: But not with the finished text
Thols sagt: Do we first get the approbation from the akenak or from celiakos ?
Zilon propose un bonbon a depyraken
Icus sagt: I think from the akenak, no ? Will be easier
Thols sagt: I guess it's obvious that we need both of them
Icus winkt Pebus Ibiraan zu.
Pebus Ibiraan verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Depyraken prend le bon que zilon lui tend
Icus sagt: Well, to start with it's easier to see bertween akenak
Dios Apotheps sagt: I agree. Akenak first, then Celiakos and the Sharükos has the last word of course.
Abycus Zekops sagt: I agree too.
Depyraken chuchote à Zilon: merci
Zhoi looks at Pebus Ibiraan

Icus sagt: Good.
Icus sagt: Pebus, can you come in front of the assembly ?
Icus sagt: And thank you for taking the time to come personnaly
Maximus marmonne : parle d'un lapsus
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: oren pyr.
Mermaidia regarde le nouvel arrivant avec un air méfiant.
Thols begrüßt Pebus Ibiraan mit einer vornehmen Verbeugung.
Icus sagt: As we decided before, we asked the Barkers for their help in building the Kitin camp
Pebus Ibiraan parle d'une voix forte mais est un peu géné par le protocole.
Abycus Zekops verbeugt sich vor Pebus Ibiraan.
Maximus translates : Pubes speaks loudly even if he is a little bit shy.
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Hum. Oui.. La Tribu des Percécorces a bien reçu votre lettre.. votre missive. Enfin votre demande d'aide, Akenak de l'Empire.
Maximus translates Pubes : Hmm yes, the Barkers have received your letter... you ask our help, akenak of the Empire.
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Et j'ai pensé qu'il valait mieux que je me déplace en personne.. Veuillez excuser ma tenue, elle n'est pas très adaptée à une assemblée.
Zhoi nods to Maximus, signalling thanks for translating to the dialect of Min-Cho
Maximus translates Pubes : I thought it best to come here personnally. Sorry about my clothes, they are not worthy of this fine assembly.
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: La Tribu des Percécorces peut se joindre à vos efforts pour bâtir dans le Désert Ardent, comme nous l'avons fait par le passé.
Maximus translates Pubes : The Barkers can help to build in the Desert, as we already did in the past.
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: il faudra nous dire ce que dont vous avez besoin et nos récolteurs et bâtisseurs se mettront au travail.
Maximus translates Pubes : Please say what you need, we will provide everything as soon as possible.
Icus sagt: La liste des matières est disponible à l'académie pour les patriotes (HRP : forum fyros), je peux vous envoyer une copie si vous voulez
Thols nods slowly with eyes closed
Mermaidia seems anxious.
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Et pour le reste.. Enfin j'imagine que la sécurité du Désert nous concerne tous..
Maximus translates Icus : The list is available at the Academy (ooc : fyros forum), I can send you a copy if you wish.
Pebus Ibiraan ne sait pas trop comment évoquer un sujet.
And for the rest... Well... I think the security of the Empire is important to us all !
Icus sagt: ney ? Que voulez-vous dire ?
Icus sagt: What do you want to say ?
Feylin sagt: (what do you mean ?)
Pebus Ibiraan regarde ses mains, géné.
Icus sagt: (no, to say :p)
Icus tend tu papier à Pebus
Icus sagt: Si vous préférez l'écrire ...
Maximus translates : Pubes looks at his hands, embarrassed
Icus sagt: (me suis juste pas très bien exprimé en français)
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Non non.. Oublions, ce n'est pas dans nos habitudes de mrchander.
Zilon mange un bonbon
Maximus translates Icus : here is a paper so you can write what you want in exchange for your services
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: La Tribu des Percécorces fera son devoir.
Icus sagt: Comme vous voulez.
Maximus translates Pubes : Yes but non, forget, we do not want to barter... The Barkers will do their share.
Maximus translates Icus : Are you sure ?
Thols raise his hand
Icus sagt: Speak freely, akenak
Pebus Ibiraan lève le menton, fier de sa Tribu.
Maximus tranlates : Pubes is proud of his tribe
Dios Apotheps sagt: The Senate will discuss too if there is something we can do to thank the Barkers. We will keep you informed.
Thols sagt: I'm really glad that the Barkers join us in that tasks. They have proven their loyalty and their capability many times.
Thols sagt: I hope that your tribe will be well thanked after we'll win that fight.
Thols ist Pebus Ibiraan dankbar.
Zhoi looks surprised when 'win that fight' is said

Geyos raises his hand
Thols doesn't move at all
Icus sagt: Yes Geyos ?
Geyos sagt: I can provide the Barkers with shooki barrel, if needed
Zilon rit
Zilon mange un bonbon et en propose autour de lui
Icus sagt: I'm not sure but ... Perhaps we can speak about remuneration PEbus ?
Kiwalie chuchotte : mici Zilon
Pebus Ibiraan grinst Geyos an.
Maximus translates Pubes : Pubes smile to icus
Zoline prend un bonbon et le mange
Zoline frissone
Feylin sagt: (Pebus)
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Il n'est pas dans les habitudes des Percécorces de réclamer : faites selon ce qui vous sera honorable, akenak.
Maximus translates Pubes : The Barkers do not claim ! Give us as much as you wish for our help.
Icus sagt: I see. akenak ?
Thols sagt: I guess we'll see that at the end
Mermaidia is surprised to hear about remuneration in such a case.
Jarnys thinbks about doing some missions for the barkers to support them
Thols sagt: But maybe a parade to celebrate it is enough, we're fyros, money doesn't count, there
Bardor sagt: we should be able to gather a few things as a thanks when it is done.
Bardor sagt: or a parade ney, that also workds
Icus sagt: It seems a good idea, yeah
Icus sagt: Can you take care of that, akenak Thols ?
Jarnys sagt: (it would be nice if the payment could contain hunted materials as well)
Thols sagt: Maybe we'll take care of a reward once it'll be win ?
Icus sagt: Of course, we might see with sharükos Lykos about this
Thols sagt: ney, that kind of honor is better in the hand of the sharükos
Thols place his fist on his heart and bows to Pebus
Icus sagt: Thanks again for coming and accepting to help us, Pebus
Pebus Ibiraan verbeugt sich vor Icus.
Icus sagt: Shall we go on ?
Bardor sagt: yes
Abycus Zekops sagt: akep Pecus Ibiraan, l'Empire vous est reconnaissant.
Abycus Zekops verbeugt sich vor Pebus Ibiraan.
Thols nods to Icus
Bardor verbeugt sich vor Pebus Ibiraan.
Kiwalie fait passer un plat de termites grillée à Pebus Ibiraan
Mermaidia is wondering : Would she be able to set her religious consciousness apart ?
Maximus toussote, un lapsus d'Abycus cette fois-ci
Pebus Ibiraan verbeugt sich vor Abycus Zekops.

Icus sagt: The last topic, then
Icus sagt: A letter from Zhoi to the sharük about ... complaining about something, probably
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Pebus, mon nom est Peb.. enfin bon..
Zhoi stands up: I am talking about the ONE letter, sent to the Sharük on Nicia 17th in the first Cycle of Atys 2572
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Euh.. oren fyraï donc..
Zhoi sagt: this matter is still unsolved, and I think we can suppose that the Sharük is not going to reply...
Maximus translates Pubes : My name is Pubes, not Pecus. Good night !
Icus sagt: oren fyra¨i Pebus
Pebus Ibiraan fait un signe d'au revoir gêné, et ne sait pas s'il doit partir ou rester.
Thols sagt: You haven't been invited to speak, visitor Zhoi.
Zhoi sagt: but since I have awakened now, I will not stand this ongoing problem any longer
Icus sagt: Excuse me, i was rude. You can leave if yo uwant
Pebus Ibiraan sagt: Ah. Bon.. Merci.
Pebus Ibiraan verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Zhoi shrugs her shoulders: you called my name, so you called me up. And it's already late
Zhoi sagt: so I hereby OFIFICIALLY ask of the Akenak, as most of the Akenak have been part of this problem, to take back their false accusations about my allegedly insult to the Fyros people and the Emperor
Thols sagt: Time and politics may learn you patience sometime.
Zilon se fait tout petit
Zhoi looks at Thols coldly: you said it was time for the next topic... make yourself more clear next time
Icus sagt: I said it was time, not that you were allowed to speak.
Icus sagt: celiakos, maybe you have something to say about this ?
Thols sagt: If I understand well, you sent a letter to say to the sharükos you hadn't insulted us ?
Zhoi sagt: no, I asked the Sharük to clear my name and speak justice
Zhoi sagt: the justice of the Emperor of the burning desert was famous before the second Great Swarming
Fyranth wonders what all this is about
Zhoi sagt: also he is your commander and I hoped he would tell the Akenak to stop spreading false rumors
Thols sagt: And why the sharükos should bother about your reputation ?
Zhoi sagt: I heard patriots talking badly about "the Zorai" because of this. I am an official representative of the Zorai, and you are official representatives of the Fyros
Thols sagt: You clearly are insulting us by being that disrespectfull to us tonight.
Jarnys whispers to Fyranth it's about something taht happened right after one of the first assemblies after the second swarm
Thols sagt: I've never heard about that story so it isn't clearly the akenak that spread that rumor
Fyranth whispers some thanks to Jarnys, but still doesn't understand why the big Zoraï sounds that angry. She has never anything about a Zoraï being disrespectful... At least, till tonight
Zhoi sagt: disrespect? The Akenak have repeatedly shown disrespect towards my person and also the Zorai, as Akenak Rollocks and Akenak Icus have already insulted "the Zorai"...
Thols sagt: But has you are saying we spread false rumors, you are again being insulting.
Thols sagt: Do you understand that ?
Mermaidia shrugs her shoulders : Unfortunately this is not the same emperor.
Zhoi sagt: I still demand an OFFICIAL withdrawal of the defamations about me that were spread by the Akenak in the first place
Zhoi nocds
Zhoi nods again
Zhoi sagt: there were public letters in which this false accusation was voiced
Zhoi sagt: there was an open letter written by Akenak Gunbra to "all Zorai"
Thols sagt: Gunbra isn't an akenak
Icus sagt: She was at the time we are speaking about
Zhoi sagt: Akenak Gunbra and Akenak Rollocks came to Hoi-Cho and spoke before the Sage Gangi Cheng-Ho, brother of our Grand Sage, accusing me of insulting the Sharük
Bardor verbeugt sich vor Stiara.
Zhoi sagt: she was an Akenak at that time, right
Icus sagt: Which you did, by the way.
Thols begrüßt Stiara mit einer vornehmen Verbeugung.
Stiara verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Zhoi sagt: which I NEVER did
Icus sagt: you accused us of disrespect against Lykos
Zhoi sagt: also ambassador Arrlon (at that time) wrote an open letter in his official function asking me to apologize, as he was believeing these rumors
Icus sagt: So if the akenak pretendly showing you disrepect is an insult, accuse us of disrepect against Lykos is an insult too.
Zhoi sagt: I did not accuse you, I asked you some questions about you and the honored Sharük, to learn about the relations of the new Akenak towards the Sharük
Icus sagt: You insulted us ; any homin present at this moment could witness
Fyranth raises her hand
Zhoi sagt: I wondered how you and the Sharük stand to each other, maybe you could have been his relative? I didn't know, I thought there must be some reason why you have contradicted him so casually and spoke with self-conficence
Icus sagt: Yes Fyranth ?
Fyranth sagt: I'm sorry, but with everyone shouting and arguing, I'm still unsure of what all this is about
Sartyrica winkt Stiara zu.
Fyranth sagt: The lady here *shows Zhoi* says she has diffamed by akenos, and has asked the sharükos for apologises ?
Fyranth sagt: Or I've missed something?
Fyranth sagt: akep
Icus sagt: More or less, yes
Icus sagt: except she is the only one thinkingthat she was diffamed
Zhoi sagt: here are the documentations about this incident http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/16226/15 #15 *waves bark-papers in her hands*
Feylin stand up, shrughs and leave in silence
Fyranth sagt: So, there is nothing wrong? You're not accusing her of doing horrible things?
Icus sagt: I won't charge all the homin who are insulting me, fyranth. I can go over that


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