
discussion about the 3 histories, and things related to making change.

very excited to see the reply tamarea.

i hope that this new single lore (if that's the plan) will do it's best to support parts of ALL servers, i'm not selfish enough to say ONLY aniro or ari or len's history is the one, as some players have here in this discussion. i'm say make one out of three, or for the better of the game and with the future in mind make a new history, anyone that's not willing to accept it is just out of luck, because if they make one lore, that's what you've got to work with, so like that idea, or don't like it, but that's the best way really, no options, just "here it is" because so long as this muli-history is around the new players won't become a part of the action, and may in fact just not play at all. (i already know of 2 players that i suggested ryzom to for the RP, but after they learned of the 3 histories and the conflicts of them, said they will not play until there's a single history, because as long as there's a conflict, the game is basically broken for NEW rp players.)

no one want's to make a compromise it seams, so i think the dev's should do what they do best and use FORCE. then we'll stop fighting with each other over who's history is right or wrong. for those that don't want to adapt to the new server, i'm sorry, i'd rather give up my little history for the better and the future of the game over all then be selfish and help doom the game because of it.

like it or don't but best thing would be the dev's make new history for the new signal server, because there's only one server now ppl, get used to it, and adapt to it, or move to another game, i honest am really tired of seeing everyone be selfish and demand that they're right and other's are wrong, i say your ALL WRONG, simply because your all too stubborn to adapt to a ever changing world we call ryzom.

that's my final rant on this, i've tried and tried to show that we can work together, but there's a few ppl that just are not willing to, and it's that stubbornness that's killing ryzom's rp, keeping so many that might join in away to start with.

enlighten yourself, be more flexible, bottom line is your all promoting the death of ryzom RP when you can't see past the nose on your face and work together in a game we all love together, for the better of the game, not one's personal history.

ok i'm done wasting my keystrokes.

PLEASE RYZOM DEVELOPERS CREATE A SINGLE NEW HISTORY THAT EVERYONE MUST USE, OR THE ROLEPLAY IS DOOMED, SINCE THE PLAYERS CAN'T AGREE TO WORK TOGETHER, THIS IS THE ONLY OPTION LEFT TO EXPLORE. (anyone that doesn't like that doesn't have to RP on the new server, because this is the same selfish point of view some of you display, i can start over, it won't kill me, in fact that will give my RP a whole new life)

sorry tamarea, didn't mean to go off on a rant, but it seams to me that there's really only one option left at this point to settle all issues, create a totally new history for the new server, and rp will start over new as well.


Remickla (atys)
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