Runku'o Anzhanto, the Writings of Anzhanto

My name is Anzhanto. I am a young Zoraï. I grew up with a kindly Mother, an old Matis woman Chiarni Tinallo. Mother told me that when I was very young, a Zoraï girl came running into camp dragging me along by the hand. The girl was greviously injured but I was unhurt. Mother said that Master Wu-Seng healed her wounds but something inside her had broken and she died a few days later. The girl never spoke a word and I didn't say anything either, for some time Mother worried that I could not speak at all. Despite this, Mother knew my name. She had found a sheaf of drawnings in my satchel. In the corner of each was one word: Anzhanto. Mother said it was the only word I would respond to for nearly a year.

Mother was used to mute children, there were two of us for a time: Me and my brother, Lorick. Lorick still doesn't speak with his voice but he does use his hands to speak. When I tell others that I have a brother Lorick, they will often ask me to point him out. They are almost always confused when I point to the short, thin Fyros. Lorick and I, of course, were not born to the same woman but we had the same Mother.

Lorick's first parents were poisoned by Goo. His first father died very quickly but his first mother lingered for a couple of years, Goo slowly poisoning and rotting her away. She was pregnant with Lorick when the accident happened and Mother says that is why Lorick is so small and doesn't speak. She said she didn't know the details of the accident and Lorick won't tell me what he knows.

Mother has had many children over the years, Lorick and I were the only ones to stay with her for as long as we did. We remained by her side until her frail body could live no longer and she died on Winderly 16, 3rd AC 2575. After she died, we followed some Rangers to Silan. We arrived there in Germinally and stayed through until Frutor of that cycle. After that we moved on to Zora and are now living in the desert.


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
Guardian of the Theocracy
Eldest, Order of the White Lotus Guild Info
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