new horizons is a year old, time to improve it

(Ok, I'll continue this in a separate suggestions topic, too long to do it here and not quite on-topic. The gist is that jewel missions do indeed need some rework too, but I believe in fixing problems upstream rather than downstream. That is, since jewel missions suck they need a do-over, however I don't support modifying other game aspects because of that - NH payouts and whatever else has been suggested in relation to the jools issues)

Speaking of the proposed roll-over feature - I'm thinking of a sort of contract between a homin and New Horizons. That is, the homin promises to deliver X products within the next week (35x7); this replaces the daily quota with a weekly quota, you can give them all at once if you're that patient. If you meet the quota you get a bonus on top of the normal payment, and if you miss the deadline you lose a numer of fame points with the nation.


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