
discussion about the 3 histories, and things related to making change.

I agree to every of Icus' points and could not have said it better.

Suboxide, there is a problem with the English language forum. It is not only the forum of former Arispotle players, but also the forum with the language allowing most players, from whichever server, to communicate with one another.

Me, I take part in discussions on all three sets of forums sometimes, bothering all with my points, yet there are only few who do likewise. Therefore, former Aniro and Leanon forums have preserved more of their original character while the English language forums are kind of the universal chatroom.

Though having played very casually on Ari before the merge, I respect and value your traditions and experiences as high as those of the other parts of the community. And yes, I think we have to muse about how to make RP more attractive also for players of the Ari line without sacrificing the ways of RP of the other servers.

Believe me, the changes were not easy for the other parts of the community either. Very different styles of RP came together and not seldom clashed. Not all of these conflicts have been resolved or reconciled. What makes things even more complicated is that RP meetings last even longer nowadays due to translation delay and overhead.

For roleplayers it is fun anyway to play their role consequentially though it is sometimes uncomfortable. It is a further challenge for us. And our role is part of our lives in Ryzom, it is of high significance. Without it, Ryzom would still be fascinating with grinding and hacking, but it would lose a lot, at least for us. Wiping out our history would destroy much of that.


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