new horizons is a year old, time to improve it

Sieges (atys)
Let us transport more places using NH too. This could increase demand on the system. Perhaps even between lands...trekking is awesome, but carrying around a ton of TP Pacts seems cumbersome.

Tried this suggestion through both available channels.. e-mail got no answer. Assembly suggestion was of course discussed for months before the final answer came in the form of "can't do permanently, only if a special occasion should require it". Maybe at some point in the future this will be re-considered ..
Talkirc (atys)
it eats me up that someone with high craft skills already has over 100,000,000 dappers and only plays a few hours a day, i play for at least 4 hours a day, and often as much as 12 hours a day, and i can't even brake 1/4 of that.
Eats you up that someone who has put in the time and effort to better himself is able to reap a bigger reward that you?

I know Ryzom is mostly a socialist utopia, with the limitless resources and so on, but player time is still a limited resource and thus someone using his time productively should damn well be rewarded. A sysadmin gets paid handsomely for what others perceive as "sitting around and doing nothing"; until that moment when he uses his knowledge (acquired through countless hours of work), knowledge no one else in the company has.

Anyway. Sorry for digressing.


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