new horizons is a year old, time to improve it

I have to agree, the NH system needs tweeking. Maybe if you could turn in 36 items per day max, but be able to do it all at once, then have a 24 hr cooldown. I know you may have hundreds of Occ items to turn in, but they are not worthless! They are intended to be used yourself, and can be sold, or given to guildies for triaining.
  I also would like to see a NH camp put, or built by Homins perhaps, in each of the q250 zones of each region. Make it a Homin project where they have to collect mats or kill a bunch of aggro from the region so to make it safe for the camp spot (roleplay). That way it will be easier for neutrals to get to the q250 zones. It may be the intent of the Devs to make it hard for homins to be neutral, so they may be limiting this on purpose. It would be the only explanation i could think of for not doing this yet.
 Already an edit: I would like to add, i hardly do any crafting anymore because it pays so little when turned into the merchants. Many are craft dropping. What a waste! Maybe this can be tweeked too, the only time i craft now is to do dapper missions, there is little motivation to improve otherwise. I know i need to, but i hate wasting items crafted.
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