new horizons is a year old, time to improve it

ok, so NH has been around for around a year old now, and the one thing i still here players complain about (no to mention my doctor for my carpel tunnel getting so much worse so fast, from all the excessive and un-needed clicking) is the fact that we still only turn in one product at a time.

i can completely ware out any NH system in about 3 hours (i did it in zora already more then once already)

a player can do 3 occupations at a time, with 6 grades in each occupation, and with the 100% recipe you get 18 products, let's do some math: 3 * 6 * 18 = 324
that means that i can potentially get 324 products a day from my occupations as a SINGLE player

so i can turn in only 35 products a day on my main toon, that's 299 products i have to wait to turn in, why? and taking about 20 to 30 minutes to do a full turn in of 35 products with many clicks (at the very least if everything works on the first click or double click you much click 245 times to turn in a full 35 products {7 clicks per product if it works right})

i know there will be 20 people to say that the limit is to help the game, and that only turning in one helps to cut down on farming of NH, well, for some that might be true, but there are some of us (many of us, though some won't admit it) that will create army's of alts to do NH, for the dappers (because the ONLY way to make real dappers in game is to craft for missions, which doesn't happen over night, since it takes ages to get the crafts up where they pay good)

the system without the turn-in limit and adding the ability to turn in more then one product at a time, there's still a regulating system, the ware of the system. if someone wants to use NH and tp around long enough to turn in 100 products at a time (or even the insane 324 that could be reached in a day of occ grinding) why does it matter? how is that game braking? (please note that i have enough civ points to get stacks of anything i want, i just don't really use them, so don't come at me with anything related to civ points, because gen mat's are not trade-able, sap crystals have insane weight in large numbers, the picks are kool but not trade-able, and cat's are worthless for anyone that isn't free 2 play, so that will stop that angle right there because that's everything you can get with civ points)

so with all that said, please change the limit of help we can give in a day's time, and how many we can turn in at one time, even if it's only 5 products at one time (with current limit or unlimited) that's many less clicks, much less computer related injury as a direct result of over clicking for something that can be changed.


Remickla (atys)
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