
Ranger Meeting Report for (12 November, 2013)

I am putting it here as here is a lot of ooc or half ooc stuff already, and I can tell only one thing: I am absolutely and definitely fed up from that picking on the Rangers. I am tired of the bullshit that not Kitins were the problem, but the Rangers, or the termites which are turned into potential monsters destroying the whole planet.

All that fuss has already much spoiled that originally pleasant event, and I am only happy when it is over. We, and btw. me not to a small share, put a lot of efforts into it, for an organization dedicated to neutrality, support and friendship with homins of all nations and creeds, as an element of friendship, mediation and harmony, fierce fighters only against the dangers threatening all hominkind.

Those who like confrontational roleplay at any price have loved to destroy that, to suspect us as reckless and ruthless adventurers, experimenting with a danger larger than Ktins, Goo, or the catastrophic sap fire of the past, namely termites, small insects feeding on dead plant material, accusations counter all reason, scientific background, and consideration for the creative work of the EM who designed that event as well as for the Ranger roleplayers. And, btw., when the Ranger players set up a player event to present and explain all interested players what they are doing, nobody of those confronting them with absurd accusations were present.

Last climax of this craze was the allegation that termites were the cause that there are no trees in the desert, a such blatant bullshit that it drove even the always friendly Kiwalie into anger and caused her quitting diplomacy in the Kingdom.

Such attitude has already severely damaged the possibilities of the kind of neutral roleplay my RP biography is inseperably linked with. This is very disappointing and I am already considering to stop RP altogether, finish the two dozens of masters still missing and wish you all fun you hopefully can have.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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