
Ranger Meeting Report for (12 November, 2013)

Bitttymacod (atys)
The Rangers have been working in cooperation with the Fyros and the Trykers and with the cooperation of the Karan of the Matis. Where is the work of the Zorai and Matis who prefer the Plant Option?

ooc: That is a pretty unfair question, Bittty, as the event re. the plant option was delayed by the EMs three months ago because of the absence of an EM, but probably also because it was seen by some players as sabotage on the Ranger's event. The players would have continued, if possible. However, with the EM decision to give permit to the Ranger's experiments in Hidden Source, it makes no sense for the Matis to continue on that, as the Court made clear its preferences and how important it believes the Chamber of Nobles to be. To make it short, it killed any political player's involvement in Verdant Heights.

As far as the good terms of the new Ranger Ambassadors and the Matis Nobles are concerned, I took it from the French forums that the Ranger Ambassador has already stepped back from her assignment. That is no hindance for you, of course, as the Rangers have, helped by the EMs (willingly or not), decided to do business with the Royal Court directly, which no doubt you'll also able to do in the future. That saves a lot of time, too, for it does not involve any players.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
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