
Ranger Meeting Report for (12 November, 2013)


Dear Mac'Od Bittty, your words are a bit offending.

I am definitely not the only homina who views this inconsideration as a problem! Even though I am the only one to voice it loudly perhaps. And please mind that I started to voice my warnings in a polite way at first to make Wilk Potskin reconsider and stop causing troubles for the chamber of nobles.

Delaying actions for just this short time was not really of any help, because the Ranger-aspirants were then told to start experiments by Wilk Potskin, have been doing so for quite a long time, and are still going on with their experiments assigned by Wilk Potskin.

Just lately I have begun to inform other homins who did not know about anything that has happened because they never took part at Ranger-Assemblies. But I have waited for a really long time before starting this - I have given Wilk Potskin enough time to take up dialogue and to hopefully heed my warning before the problems would worsen!

I am not an enemy of the Rangers, but as they are in fact starting to lose reputation lately I am telling them of ways to make amends and restore their good relations to other nations. Just like General Seternulon has, and was ignored as well by Wilk Potskin. Still now the Ranger Companions who I pity are sent on diplomatic missions while Wilk Potskin is still continuing to damage the Ranger's reputation...

Some indeed think that the Rangers are SABOTAGING the botanical solution - by refusing to talk to our delegations about what the remains of Almati's laboratory that they have found in the kitin-lair... I do not blame them for this though, as you might have realized during the last Ranger-Assembly. (OOC: because we were told OOC via Forum that the event-team-member responsible for the botanical-solution-event is absent.)
Bitttymacod (atys)
Where is the work of the Zorai and Matis who prefer the Plant Option?

[urlhttp://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/1865 5/2#2][/url]
As you can see we have already done a lot about this (OOC: until we were told OOC to wait for said event-team-member to return).

/OOC: moving the argument to another RP-thread would be fine with me, and I'd delete my OOC-posts then as well of course


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