
Ranger Meeting Report for (12 November, 2013)

Report on the Ranger meeting of 12 November, 2013

Wilk Potskin and 15 other people were present in Almati Wood Ranger camp at the appointed time. By the end of the meeting we had the usual 25-30 folk.

((After a brief delay, the meeting started with a report/complaint by Rangini, both OOC.
First - The Matis hill is not responding properly and sometimes the ranger in camp is bugged as well. He reported that basically he has reached the end of his patience with that – bug tickets aren't fun to write, and the other mounds all work.
Second – Why do other rangers have a title and he can't get it? This was in reference to the title Ranger Compaignon borne by Zorroargh and Deprayken.
Vradden explained that there had been problems with reboots and old scripts being used instead of the updated ones. He suggested that Rangini email him directly if there were further problems.
The Ranger Companion title that Zorroargh and Deprayken have is for ambassadorial purposes only as had been set up at the last meeting. It is an honorary title for a specific purpose.
The Ranger rite is not ready; when it is ready it will be announced in the public forums.))

Wilk then asked three questions of the assembled homins:
Question 1: Have you killed white kitins since the last meeting? A number of people indicated that they had. There were some absent folk whom we know have done so as well.
Question 2: Who reported kitin spots to help complete Bittty's maps? No one present had done so since the last meeting. Krill and Daomei reported they had seen no new spots. Bittty reported a few people have told him of spots and that he has found some new spots in the Desert.
Question 3: Who has helped with building Camps? A larger number of people raised their hands. Bittty pointed to Zhoi as a builder, but she said that she is "not a ranger" even though she is present. Irfidel and Daomei pointed out it's not just a Ranger thing. Wilk supports that interpretation.

Bittty asked that people check the maps to be sure that the kitins they are killing are not new pods. He thinks that they are getting more numerous and spreading.

Wilk asks if the nations are aware of the apparent spread of the white kitins. It might be a good thing for the Ranger ambassadorial people to bring up to the leaders at the Assemblies.

Chonchon wondered that we should call on the nations and asked if there was not an army of Rangers to fight them? He discounted the scientific investigation of the termites, insisting that force is needed.

Seturnulon rose to speak. He feels that species of kitins are changing. From kinchers to kidinak and kirosta. Krill notes that she has seen mostly Kiban. Other folk have observed a mixture. Daomei said it seems to her that the pods stay the same in composition over time in KoD forest.

Wilk asked for addition of species code to the maps. Bittty has agreed to add codes provided he gets good data. Seturnulon said, and Wilk agreed, that we should involve others as well.

Termites reports: All save Sharleen and Rangini. (bugged)
Geyos: Nothing new. Biggest threat to the mound is Kiwalie, collecting for her cookies. Kiwalie responded by producing a bag of cookies.

Zorroargh: Nothing in particular to report. in brief : termite food > eggs > termites > cookies. Sometimes curious homins want to wake up the Goaris.

Daomei: Inspects the mound near Pyr, taking measures to maintain stability and avoiding increasing the numbers to the point where Goaris get very excited. Only weak ones appear that she can punch and kick to death.

Sharleen: asked if it wasn't time to start using them against the kitins? Time passes and the kitins seem to be getting more numerous.

Wilk: they have only been tested in Lakes and Desert. We want to be completely sure of all lands, hence we need the Forest results.

Zhoi accused Wilk about disruption of the Nobles/Royal relationship in Forest and asked why the Almati Forest couldn't serve as surrogate for Forest? Wilk pointed out different behaviors in the New Lands as opposed to what happened with the test mounds in Almati Woods. He also pointed out that the political problems in the Matis courts are not Rangers' fault. Zhoi pouts. Others growl...

Seternulon suggested setting up a mound in Nexus, since it is Forest and neutral. Wilk noted that the soil of Nexus is different. All agreed that it must be different since we used to be able to harvest superb materials there before the second swarming.

Wimara asked if the area that the mound is in wasn't actually Desert more than forest? Do we really need the data from there? Wilk answered that the soil is more Forest than Desert despite the lack of moisture.
Krill noted that she has seen a termite mound in GoC … she will try to find it again.

Zorroargh proposed the possibility of creating greenhouses in Almati Woods with Forest and Jungle ecosystems in them to test them. Wilk pointed out that was very similar to what they had done with the test mounds, and that the behaviors had been entirely different.
Much mixed discussion and disruption ending with nothing much as discussion calmed down.

Wilk announced there will be a first brief expedition into the Old Lands – an exploratory step before the Great Expedition that was announced earlier http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/18029/1. There was much excitement and chatter at this announcement. Wilk said that it will be a small foray, not a big trip and that he needs a cartographer, fighter. diplomat. scout, and scientist. (Those who wish to volunteer should send Izam Mail to Vradden or email to Vradden@ryzom.com).

Much discussion revolved around the mistaken impression that this was a major expedition, with calls for full representation of the Nations and suggestions that additional offices were needed, such as healer, cook, cookiemaker, barrelcarrier, hairdresser and the like. It seems likely that Wilk will have many more volunteers than he needs and he commented that many of the suggestions would be needed for the great expedition later.

Wilk tried to end the meeting but various people started talking about subjects that (in the opinion of this correspondent) were not relevant to the meeting. Questions of whether or not the Rangers were responsible for the Nobles Assembly of Davae being in turmoil, questions about Almati's lab, whether it had been legal or illegal, whether it had been discovered and whether the Rangers were suppressing information gathered there which some felt was "cultural property" of the Matis. Zhoi Seturnulon felt that even the scouting expedition should have representation for the four nations. (It was not clear if she meant Nations or Races – certainly it seems to this correspondent that a Ranger expedition should be made up of Rangers and Ranger aspirants, not Nationals.)

Finally the babble died down and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for 2 December.

Done by my hand and copied by the New Guild of Scribes (formerly C.J.A.J.S.).
As I have perhaps intruded more in the reporting of this meeting than I have in the past, I welcome comments.
– Mac'Od Bittty, Ranger Aspirant.
A seal is affixed to each copy
The New Guild of Scribes in Fairhaven


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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