particle systems and sound in ryzom

I would doubt a connection issue here. Like Grimoire and Bitty I have similar, but slightly different issues: The lags usually do not hit me during battles (just returned from the Marauder Boss hunt and did not have any lags whatsoever, with about 35 homins casting spells). But I do have serious lag issues when walking or running through the streets of Pyr. Sometimes I get a fifth of a second movement, then Ryzom halts for 2 seconds or longer, then another very brief movement. This is a nightmare to work with and stopped me from doing more than the occasional visit to the Ceriakos gate and the trainers right behind it.

I had similar issues in Yrkanis when getting near the street lights there. But this has improved a lot recently. The problems in Pyr appeared maybe about six months ago on my desktop machine, but not on my laptop. Both machines were running fine before. And when I do have the problems in Pyr, the wife can still run through the town without issues - and she's on the same internet connection.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:52:41 UTC

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