particle systems and sound in ryzom

ok, i did look at this and there were some tickets there for working on the particles a bit, but im not sure if they apply to the server or the client side...obviously for them to work better the client needs to be updated as well as the im under the impression that most of what they are doing is related to comaptibility for more systems and drivers on the server side mainly and on the client side as a secondary, and not necessarily fine tuning the particle system for each individual effect to run better overall...

the newest article i could find on particles (an announcement of the system being introduced) is about a year ago, and so im sure that nothing new has been done to the client to account for was more like they were announcing the addition of new particle effects to buildings in certain areas...but they did admit that they did not fully understand the particle system they were using this admission means there is a learning curve, and not everything is ironed out yet...

im not sure if i can contact the dev team there or not to adress this issue, but i will try and put a note there or a ticket there
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:35:35 UTC

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