[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

My 5 cents....

I think the way Ryzom is setup right now is the best.. I mean, sure we can tweak some stuff.. but really, I love PvP and I love PvE, I think you should do both if you want to, I dont know... rule the Ryzom world!.

Learn to dig to get good mats, learn to fight to get boss mats, learn to craft to be able to make something out of them.. and learn to PvP to be able to have access to some resources.

They all go hand in hand, I dont think breaking this system is going to make it better.. if you only do PvP, yeah it can get boring, same as everything else I guess, ex: digging for 4 days in a row can get boring.

PvP doesnt stand for anything.. it is just something you do in order to get something else ( resources).

PvP for the sake of PvP should be allowed and it is... but shouldnt really get you "rewards".. for what? PvPing? Maybe for marauders, cause that's their RP.. but otherwise... no.. not really.



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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:47:45 UTC

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