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Jokes aside - I trekked more than I care to remember, and my humble opinion is that having tps at vortexes would make Atys too easy. I mean, to port in Nexus and then directly at the PR gates, in dig gear? To port in Scorched without a kami tp? Port in Void / LoC without a tp? And no death penalty? Occupation products can easily restore one's lost stats, but death penalty is a tad harder to lose.

Why not just go back to beta days and eliminate factions altogether then, just let people tp wherever they please? (or when was that..)

To address what TalkIRC says : optional doesn't cancel out the path of least resistance. That's why we have alts on Atys instead of people grouping up - although human groups are supposed to be more fun, interesting, fast etc. Same goes for everything - if Atys is supposed to be a difficult planet, then introducing the mere option of something easy short-circuits the more difficult path.

But that's just my two dappers.


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