Respectfully request this thread be removed

too sad about how this turned out and honestly quite personally offended and hurt to leave any of my posts up here, i feel that it should be possible for me to request the removal of this post but i understand that it cannot be removed unless it violates the CoC

the best i can do is say

"You may not disrupt the MMORPG game experience of another player."

because i feel that ideas of others have been quite forcibly pushed upon me, as a person. the nay-sayers are very adamant on their views, so much so that it does not really matter what i, or perhaps anyone else thinks because by god, it will be beaten into the mud and interpreted in the worst possible light by some writers

if this be the case, i take the only action available to me, i am now emptying all my replies and i ask that anyone else who is wiling to honor my request remove their reply as well, anyone who is not, well, dont let me finish that because ive been asked not to get banned :P

all the fun has been sapped out of me today i dont even want to stay logged in now, i dont want to continue to post on the forums, perhaps i will change my mind at some point. if you think i am over-reacting or soft, that is your right but i am a person and i have the right to my feelings and i feel they have been trampled under-foot

my MMORPG experience has been severely disrupted today and even if this was not intentional, it does not say you may not intentionally disrupt :P im going to go get my whiskey now and leave this to rot

I want to thank arfur for his reply and also talkirc for his support even though i think it was over the top :)

some times if you want to make a positive change you must remove yourself from the gloomy negativity that will pull everything down into the darkness, so , see ya! not going to try to be reasonable with anyone who clearly wont budge one inch

(honestly it's not that bad but you know, it feels like that for the first 10 minutes :D)


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