Bring back the Ring

sad that they took it away, good well made missions by players could have been used to add missions to the real offical server, thus giving "new" content to the player base, and the best part is WG doesn't have to shell out more money in real life to get those missions made and used, not to mention i'm sure the maker of the missions, who play the game, will make the payout's a little more worthy of the bad economy in ryzom, always get's me when i have to pay 1000's to buy a mat, but if i sell that same mat, or one of much higher grade to the merchants and can't get 1/10000 of the price, sure in real life merchants make a profit, but the one's charging 100,000% mark-up, well, they just don't last and go out of business. if i can only sell a mat, say choice amber, for 20 dappers (more then the actual value i think) but if i want to buy from the NPC it's fine grade and costs 2k or more (not exact on math, but it's the right idea, and you can see what i'm saying)

oops sorry got a off topic on that one, but the can work together i think.

still +1 for the idea :)


Remickla (atys)
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