Teamwork in Prospector Missions for the Kitin Observation camps

Recently, prospector missions for the camps suffer from low participation. One reason may be, that these missions are widely 1 person missions discourageing teamplay.

Inevitably, mission materials cannot be exchanged. Thus only the digger may give them to the prospector.

But: with the overseer missions, a team may craft, any member of the team give to the overseer while the delivery counts for the member holding the mission.

Introducing this scheme to prospectors would allow several people to cooperate: The cp'er while not holding the mats, could take the mission anyway and get faction point reward. A digger with high xp in e.g. Lakes could dig in Lakes (and cp e.g. in forest) and vice versa so that team members from different nations could work together, everyone digging part of the mats needed. Even a large team could dig a lot of mats, later sharing the reward when every team member take the according missions in turn. Storing the mats could be eased that way as well distributing the load on more shoulders or mektoub backs.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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