Agrro Tribes

- 1 to this idea.

To the reasons stated by Daomei i add the fact that such change in roaming groups behaviour would heavily impact players with racial alignments. Because when one sign up for a citizenship, fame with some tribes changes automatically. Ancient Dryads is a good example, you can go from 0 to -100 with them in a second. Not only that would favour one playstyle (neutral) over another (race aligned), that would also lead to lots of fame grinding.

Presumably many players would like to avoid all the hassle associated with hostile roaming groups. The only way to get it is grinding fame. A lot. There is already enough grind of all sorts in game, at least to my taste. Grinding fame is neither fun, nor challenging, it's a monotonous work. Not to mention that tribal fame gains also can badly affect racial fame, so after you have grinded tribal fame, you gotta fix your spoiled racial fame. That's double work.

IIRC, i had like 10 or 15 tribes that KoS to me. That means months of dull work, only to make my digging, trekking and moving around a bit safer. I welcome anything that would make tribal fame useful, but in terms of rewards or new gameplay possibilities, not in the way of imposing an issue that can be solved only by grind.
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