Agrro Tribes

my experience agrees with both the last two posters,

at the beginning some, maybe all tribes have some "fake 0" numbers displayed on shift+f so if it SAYS 0 and you get killed on sight because it "really" is -67 there's not very much you can do about it. also if it says -40 or 0 the tribe may still assist you (Because -40 is not kos for the tribe for you) or because that 0 isnt a real 0 (or because it really is 0 and 0 isnt kos)

some tribes will always kill certain alignments, masters of goo have always killed me for being zorai, spared my fyros company but then when the fyros aligned kami, they now kos that person. supposedly there's also a tribe that kills any non-tryker i did not confirm :P

if you did some mission somewhere that slightly affected that tribe then you can see the "real" value not the "fake 0" as i call it, but as a general rule assume they are hostile if it is 0 just in case


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