Agrro Tribes

Jarnys (atys)
Placio (atys)
None, sometimes fame shown is wrong and will update when you do a mission for that tribe, for example; My fame with cholrogoos showed it was at 0 before i did any missions, I did two missions then my fame with that tribe showed my fame to be -66 :(

That might be slightly off topic, but then again if the shift+f window isnt always accurate... the idea of having wandering tribes aggro on those with negative fame could be very complicated :P

On that note: it's right if it's not 0 (usually only the digits after the floating point are off)

i would have to say that's not always true, i have some fames that show as - and i've never done anything with them, yet they still treat me as though i was + enough to protect me, and at the same time, i've had tribes at 0 that kill me on sight, sad to say the shift+f window lies to you alot.

also, if this were to be done, then when you kill member of tribe x, you should gain fame with tribe y while you loose more fame with tribe x (where x is the direct enemy of tribe y) but since this would involve what i'm sure it alot of work on the dev's part, i doubt it would be soemthing we see in ryzom's lifetime (because we still have bugs now that were here 9 years ago, though that doesn't mean the work isn't still on-going)


Remickla (atys)
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