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ok perhpas some of my figures may be slightly off for pricing, and sure there are tech job's out there that pay that much, i guess the big thing i neglected to figure in at the time of my last post was that the server is in another country, and that being said, accounting for the 1000's of programmers fresh from collage looking for a job in their feild while working at mc donalds with a collage degree (check the stat's out yourself, it's a very over loaded field still, there was a boom of it, and then everyone went to school for it, only to find out that there's not as many jobs now for it as there were when they started that study, so it's very difficult and competitive a field, thus only the top % are going to get those huge $ amounts in pay, there are many professions like that these days, sad to say, how many students have graduated only to find no job in their field, for the us, while the stat's say that unemployment is going down, no one stops to consider it's only going down because people who where on it can no longer apply, thus the numbers on paper show a drop in the rate, where at the fact remains that more and more people are without work, and are also now without unemployment bennifits.)

but hey, what do i know, i'm just some guy that watched 80% of the company he worked for get laid off with no hope of return in the future to that company, and with years in that company and being in the top 35% of the company didn't save my job for me. and from what i am learning right here in ryzom from other players elsewhere in the world, it's little if any better in other countries.

bahh, i won't waste my time with this anymore, i can see that the over-all point is missed yet again. maybe someone will be able to see what i'm basically saying and translate it into terms more people can understand. but the point is this: ryzom was once a far more played game, with far more sub's, so what excuse now is there for bugs that were around then to still be there now, years to fix something? and if no one's paid that's doing anything with the game, bless those kind souls for anything and everything they do, but once again i go back to "where's all the money going?" renting a server cost's too much, then buy your own and run it, a 50k investment that can be used for not just the game, but then they can rent server time and turn a profit from that as well.

i could go on, but as you can see, i do know a thing or two about how to look up information, i don't just pull number out of the air. i check them, and yes you can rent a server for 250$, that covers everything up to a ds-3 (45Mbps connection with scaleing up to 54 durring peak loads)

but i'll just call it a day on this topic, because we'd never have this topic to talk about if they gave us a little more then an app with some %'s on it, i'll be intrested to see when the %'s change the first time, and i'll really be intrested in seeing when they add all the real issues in game to the list, not just a few of them, let's see where they stand on all the major issues with that app, then i'll shut up about it all together. also i'll be happy to see .001% change every month, so we can add some .000's to the progress, as long as i see regular change i'm happy with here my money is going the, but as things are now, there's very little other then the fact that i can log in when i want to and play becasue the server is up and running.

sorry for typo's and mis-spelling's it's after midnight and i've only have about 4 hours sleep in the last 48, been busy enjoying killing kitins with teams to help protect the family and friends in my city that i call home.


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