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I think we should have a more active dev team : )

The key to a more active dev team is more money and more people.  I have counted dev members from forum posts for the last several years. I come up with three possible and only one confirmed.

The coder enthusiasts at Ryzom Core go where their muse leads them, but they are not paid and they are not actually part of the Ryzom game.  Some of their stuff is used in Ryzom, but they aren't really devs.

The only paid employees that I know of in Ryzom are the dev(s).  CSR's are not paid, nor are Event Team members. In addition, while I am sure about the CSRs and ET members (because we have been told as much), I am not even sure that the dev(s) are paid. It may be that all our money simply pays the rent on the servers.

We know that there is at least one dev, because things do get fixed, albeit slowly, and there is a new Dev report in the selections in WebIG.

What can we do?  What we do in game -- make new things happen. If you have skills in 3-D modeling, in model skinning, in animation of models, in graphic design... are you willing to work for free?  If you are, send your resumes in to Ryzom. You could probably use the well known address; I'm sure the CSRs will pass the volunteers on.

-- Bittty (not a CSR, not a dev, very little 3D modeling xp, general gadfly)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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