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Bug Tracker: Achievements / Erfolge / Accomplissements

"Underway Arch Stronghold" fixed!

Talkirc (atys)
mounts might be cheep and that might be the case for some, but by only using packers your not allowing any f2p's to complete this achievement. and nice just a little hint as to what the one for mek's is? not fair, there should be a spoiler thread somewhere for all the achievements, because that's what i play the game for, and if i think i've got them all, well then i've beat the game, so a "secret" might be good, but a spoiler post couldn't hurt somewhere else on the forum.... please. or an ingame mail with a nice healthy list would work too.

I am aware, that the Packer-only restriction prevents all F2P players from doing that achievement. But there are already many other achievements that are only doable with subbed accounts. That includes all Skill achievements above a certain level. Also it might be quite hard to do all the exploration (unless you get trecked everywhere) without high level skills to defend yourself. Support the game and please subscribe if you want to do everything :)

Still wondering what the new Heroic Deed is that includes mektoubs? I really can't tell you since I don't want to be responsible for Packer mass-murder.

I'll think about releasing a list of Heroic Deeds... maybe. But the game is not all about achievements, you know? ^^

Yours Cotare


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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 01:29:16 UTC

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