
KipeeCraft 1.1 + Homepage released

Hi and thanks for your feedback! It is possible to change some things yourself, such as the database. Other stuff like sap load calculation, post craft stats in general or changes in crafting plans need a new build of KC (might change this in the future and make it all edit-able).

I've already collected some minor, mostly cosmetic, issues for a possible KC 1.1a bugfix release. If we manage to get the stats and plans updated aswell, I think we might even call it 1.2 and add some new names to the credits / homepage ;)

I'm personally pretty busy with real life (meh), but it's looking alot better towards the end of the year. I got some requests to port KC to mobile devices such as android, I think the idea is wonderful, but a rewrite would be the smarter choice. KC was started with Delphi (http://puyo.de/kipeecraft/history.html) and the code really is and looks like 2006 (and me being an inexperienced programmer). I kept adding to it, mostly working around existing flaws.

I will update and improve KC, but for more(tm) I believe a rewrite in a more portable language is due. I'd also love someone else to start a small crafting app, the game's sourcecode is available, all we need is someone with enough sparetime :P


If you get some people together, to collect and update the data, I can include the changes in a possible future version of KC and put it up for download, so everybody can benefit.

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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 13:36:58 UTC

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