exterminator kitin drop amounts

Laksmie (atys)
Hello all would just like to put my opinions across. I think most would agree as it currently stands it s not "fair". People like me who heal any and everyone just feel like canon fodder and rely on generosity of others.

I do not want to devalue what the titles mean but could we not possibly have 1 token automatically put into our inventory that are untradable to others if we perform an act within the alloted event area be that heal or damage dealing, limited to 1 token per event or part thereof. It does not demean the title but as it stands 10 into 150 or so just does not work out no matter who does the sharing

this is more like what i'm heading to, and if we want to combat those of you that say that the title is to be "rare" then i'm more then happy to include the part Mj offered that it takes more then one token to get the title, so those of you that need a "rare" title can still claim that, because if it takes say 2 or more tokens to get said title, then it would require a player attending and partaking in more then one event to get the "rare" title.

i'm still wondering about the most RARE title ryzom would ever have being created to start with:

Grand Game Master

for players with all 63 branches of the skill tree completed to 250, that's a worthy rare title, one that i would respect 100% because i don't know many that could have that title, though i've seen many "atys guardian" and various of the other guardian title's, so i guess the titles are only rare if you don't always partake in the events and have them.

i feel that event related titles should be viewed as less rare and a sign that the player with that title likes to play ryzom enough to partake in events and be a part of the game, not someone that's had the luck of getting it. (i have been lucky and am very grateful to have the only guardian title i wanted for my toon, since he's zorai and recently got the title related to that event.) but i'm speaking for other's that might not have been so lucky, i'm thinking of others that may want what i have, not what i can keep to myself to make myself look better then anyone, i'm more then happy to share: i wouldn't mind if every had the zorai guardian title, then i would know that everyone's helped to defend my homeland at least once.

but i'm all for the idea's like these:

everyone get's a token placed into inventory for taking part in the event (with option to require more then one token for the title)

more tokens dropped per kill (so to make distributing them less of a problem for the looter in question, because with only 10 tokens, the looter can't make everyone happy, or even come close to it)

(new idea a guild mate brought to my attention) let the CSR's distribute the tokes based on what they see the players doing durring the event, so that none of the player base can say it wasn't fair, after all csr's have nothing to gain or loose by this. (though i imagine this could be hard to do, but maybe not)

those are a few i'm really in favor of, but bottom line is that it seams that many people agree that some type of change, perhaps none we've discussed here, needs to be made to this system.


Remickla (atys)
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