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Bug Tracker: Achievements / Erfolge / Accomplissements

Karu (atys)
Rollocks (atys)
The achievement for being in the hush hole of loria does not seem to work. I was there when my toon was saved and it did not record.

I know it's scary down there, but did you went all the way inside or inched forward until game showed entering area?

I tried it with alt and it registered just fine

I've been in Hush Hole yesterday, and it triggered at first attempt. I stayed in the waterhole till it was almost save time, ran towards the limit of the area, waited for the save, and ran back to the water (with some kipestas behind me).

On the other side, I still haven't managed to validate Hill of Dyron either (same as Kilvaner), despite several saves at different places in the area.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 04:35:38 UTC

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