exterminator kitin drop amounts

I voted other. I am not sure whether the drop of tokens should be increased. The guardian titles are meant to be rare and should not be increased in an inflationary way. I think the problem is in looting and distribution. I already criticized the corrupt customs to distribute loot only among "big guilds". Obviously the playerhood fails to distribute in a fair way.

Therefore, better the way of granting these rewards might be changed. giving the top rewards to players with outstanding merits during the events, no matter whether they were healing, tanking, or nuking, and best relative to their ability, so that a low level players get a chance as well.

Such rewards should be granted by the event team and not be left to players and guilds who - sadly - obviously are failing to distribute event achievements fairly.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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