Permanent Extraction Time Bonus Rite

I actually enjoy the reward from this rite. It's not a 'permanent complication' for me. It allows me to dig 28 mats instead of 26 when I dig the way I prefer to. Plus the return of focus on undiggable nodes has been greatly helpful especially for digging in the kitin lair.

All diggers dig a different way. They all see different rewards as good or bad. So it's impossible to say that this isn't a good reward because for some it is. I would consider myself a very experienced digger and consider it useful to myself. I did the rite forever ago and can hardly remember a time when I didn't have the extra time on my nodes.


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.
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