slot upgrade for guild halls

thanks for the kind words irfidel, and true not all idea's are good, but what get's me is that all i ever seen is negitive comments (part of the time) on the forums, but when i talk to ppl in game, they agree with so much of the idea that i take the time to post it here, someone's recently made it a point to me that i should find the archived forums and search those to use as quotes because these idea's i'm posting now had a huge following back in the day, but never were persued by the company in question, so now ppl don't hardly feel there's any point with really bothering to post ideas, as unless it's RP and has a huge following that i can hang it up. well, i don't really rp, but i do play along.

anyway, i don't see the point every idea i have is for optional stuff, but ppl don't see that part, they just see something to not like and "complain" or shoot down. the key point to my ideas is that a player has to choose to use them, these things would not be forced on you in any way. but still, i hear all the gripes, and more over, i combat them with simple logic making them sometimes eat their own words.

but i'll just keep my words to my self, very much because of the line i've quoted, these are my cookies, and i keep getting slapped for bringing them in the first place.


Remickla (atys)
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