Ryzom points system

What I'm trying is to make a distinction between an open club and a closed-door club. Current fame mechanics allow even level 1 alts to have fame 100 with a certain nation. Literally, *anyone* can have highest fame with a nation in a few days' work. This is an open club.
Virg (atys)
Specific deeds done for the nation are rewarded with fame and civilisation points.

No. Unspecific deeds are awarded with faction points - such as running missions for NPCs, or feeding the transporters. Specific things make you part of a closed club - heroic fighting during an event, etc.

I agree that the rewards for high fame should be more diverse, hence my suggestion of specific armor. I'm ok with the idea of racial weapons too. It's just the proposal to copy the looks of rulers and other people that are in a form leaders, that I'm partially opposed to - it's both lazy and uncreative.

It's bad enough that people get to wield pompous titles like "Defender of the Empire", when all they did was feed the transporters. Maybe it's just me, but if I get a weapon similar to Mabreka's, it better be because I worked my ass off and put in a lot of directed effort; running missions doesn't really fit, imho.


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:53:00 UTC

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