Ryzom points system

Mjollren (atys)
you can't have the same ensigns as the rulers. Unless you are granted such privilege specifically by someone higher up in the hierarchy, for specific deeds done.

Specific deeds done for the nation are rewarded with fame and civilisation points. Therefore when you have enough of these you could be granted the privilege of purchusing the same ensings as the rulers. Maybe a ceremony could be put in place where the leaders/officials reward weapons instead of the faction merchant.

Everyone seems to get really hung up on "stealing" the leaders weapons that they seem to be missing the concept of the idea- which is more rewards and ways of showing off your acomplishments for your nation.

Why try and develop tribal weapons when there is still plenty of content than can (and needs imo) to be added to the current organisations and civs. This sort of thinking is what leads to diversity that severly lacks content.

Mj I agree with adding armour too, but im taking baby steps :P



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