
I want to add a few words about how I see the Rangers.

I fully agree to Bittty. Being a Ranger should and must be hard.

Our values comprise of all of the best of all homins of Atys.
We feel compelled to the values of honor, justice. truth, and discipline, no less than the Fyros.
In addition, we hold dear freedom and equality no less than the Trykers.
And we are striving for excellence and perfection no less than the Matis.
Also, we highly value compassion, intuition and knowledge like the Zorai.
And, lest we forget, we highly value boldness and enquiring mind no less than the clans of the Marauders.

Our philosophy is that we do not demand anything from anybody than from ourselves, and what we demand from ourselves is to learn and to improve. We are not looking for privileges, advantages, or rewards. Our goal is to do what is our duty, to serve all homins of Atys, and our all home, the living planet.

We do not strive to be better than other homins. We do not even care. We are striving to be better than ourselves, every day, every hour, analyzing our flaws, faults, mistakes, and failures, learning new things, improving our knowledge, our skills. We do not care being the best, even if we are, it will not touch or satisfy us, we still can improve. If we are the best, our duty is to become better still.

That should be the main principle of being a ranger, no matter what level of skill or knowledge. In a way, we are more elitist than every other homin. But we are not for self-aggrandizing. Our path is open to every homin. But nobody should expect it to be easy.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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