Une idée révolutionaire

Google translate has done a good job here for me to understand your post so i will reply in english ;)

I understand the roleplay rationale for the idea, it does make roleplay sense. Sure, you should be able to steal a king in the name of roleplay.... but.....


There is already enough controversy about kings, too many players live their entire atys life only to kill kings and dig supreme mps. This is a very bad obsession, I hope someone agrees with me on this. I would prefer if more players tried roleplay a bit more and gave up on this obsessive material-driven gameplay.

Therefore, if this idea ever happened, it would cause MORE controversy, more tension, more yelling and cursing. Some players would quit, you must see that. It is a nice idea in theory but in practice, a very bad idea. In the interest of retaining more players, I have to say, sorry can't support it.

Mind you I hate bosses ;) but for those who like them, it would be a problem.


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