Ryzom points system

I have to agree with Virg about that. Some players are fully committed to Ryzom for all the great things it does offer and will never leave. But most players who start the game quit after 1 master. I have seen this 100's of times. Once you have mastered and killed a few bosses most people get very bored because there is no new content. I personally play to be the best pvp player possible. I level skills to get better at pvp. I dig sup mats and kill bosses to make better equipment for pvp. In my opinion what other reason is there to play? If you're a crafter you want to make the best equipment right? Why? Do you need amazing equipment to kill mobs? NO. The best stuff is made so players can be better at op battles or just everyday pvp.

In short any new content would make things more interesting. I think new weapons and armor sold for pvp points/Faction points would be a good place to start. Right now there are 2 items sold at mercant. There should be 100's of items.

Flame away:P
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:42:41 UTC

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