Citizenship & Guild Fame Suggestion

please also see my old idea post: #20

in summary i wanted two race per guild that actually is supported by the fame page

a fyros guild has fame caps of: 100 fyros 75 zorai 25 tryker and 0 matis
this is for the RP reason that fyros/zorai are allied in the lore and fyros/matis are opposed

so a tryker guild would have fames like this: 100 tryker 75 matis (allied in lore) 25 fyros (because fyros and matis are opposed in lore) and 0 zorai (because zorai and tryker are opposed)

However I am very saddened by the VERY strong negative replies i got. it is my personal opinion that many people playing ryzom for years are too afraid to change anything. they will strongly oppose any change even if it is a logical change if it will make them personally uncomfortable i do not believe it is always in the best interest of the continuation of ryzom, for their opposition. i am sure i am not the only one with this notion

many will say "leave it how it is i like it how it is" and i say to them, is this not a reasonable change supported by the current lore and game mechanics?

the logical counter argument to this is.... okay so zorai/fyros are allies in the lore for now but previously there were other alliances or other wars.... suppose you make 2-civ fames per guild and then the roleplay changes? my reply to that is, so WHAT? :)


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