Ryzom points system

I take your point concerning the weapons proposed. And you are right as well that getting high negative fame is more boring than hard (did not think of, sorry ^^), so I agree that marauders, too, should get no more than one weapon.

But fame +100 in a nation is not hard either. At the times of the NH fame bug I had +99 fame in 3 countries (in the fourth only 50 or bit more as it defaulted to regular fame due to overseer missions).

As to the crafting with a token or whatever I fail to see that it is hard to implement as the plan could inherit all major properties and attributes from op mat or Eroukan plans. So it would not be so much additional work to implement.

I do not like the idea of buying ready weapons etc., and crafting plans would open a lot of flexible opportunities from just getting a nice looking weapon to having a maximum quality one from the best materials made by a master crafter. I think it would be more fuss to get the right weapon from the merchant. A level 20 fighter already could obtain fame 100 in a nation, should there be q30 weapons at the faction merchant? More realistically, many f2p have high civ level. So there had at least to be q50, 100, 150 .. until 250 qualities. A crafter could build the fitting weapon, be it a q70, q160 or 210 or 250 one.

But I won't insist ;)


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