Citizenship & Guild Fame Suggestion

I don't think you understood what I'm proposing or maybe I didn't explain my idea well enough. I'm talking about civilization fame and the possibility of allowing a guilded player still have the option to declare to a nation even if the guild is undeclared.

Allow a player to declare citizenship based on their guild's cult fame - to allow a player to aligned to a nation aligned to the same cult as their guild. The guild's fame should not be increased if civ-undeclared even if it has members aligned to a nation.

Civ-Neutral/ Kami guild - A player would be allow to seek citizenship with Fyros or Zorai nations. A players civ fame can reach 100 but their guild's fame remains at 50 with the nation because the guild is undeclared.

Civ-neutral/Karavan guild - A player would be allow to seek citizenship with Matis or Tryker nations. A players civ fame can reach 100 but their guilds fame remains at 50 with the nation because the guild is undeclared.

Civ-neutral/Cult-neutral guild - A player would be allow to seek citizenship with Matis, Tryker, Fyros, Zorai nations, but their guild's fame remains at 50 with the nation because the guild is undeclared.

A player or guild can only declare to one nation - so whatever fame they gain will only be to the nation they have aligned to, all others remain at their caps.

But given the current fame system I don't think any of this is possible unless it is reinvented.
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