Citizenship & Guild Fame Suggestion

After thinking a bit about it here's something that might work but won't make it too easy:

Any member (except the leader) would be able to join the civs where these conditions are met:
1. The guild leader has to be neutral or alligned to the same civ
2. The guild fame has to be at least 45 (higher than normal for civ alignment)
3. The guild has to be civ-neutral

Lets say the guild has 47 fame for the Matis, 46 for the Zorai and the leader is neutral.
Then any member would be able to either become a Zorai initiate or a Matis vassal.

If the leader then chooses to become a Matis vassal as well any member that was a zorai initiate will lose that title and be "undetermined" (same as neutral but without the direct fame loss) and can thus decide to either join another guild, become neutral or a Matis vassal as well. (at this point the guild could just as well align itself with the nation as well though)

This would make it extremely hard to get enough fame for more than 2 nations (try to get the guild fame up if the player fame is capped at 0) but still give the freedom of multiple members with differing citizenship in a single guild but without the restriction of cult or only that specific pairing of nations.

Hope that makes sense


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