Citizenship & Guild Fame Suggestion

Appletini (atys)
Jarnys (atys)
What about the Karavan-Fyros and the Kami-Tryker relations?
There are people and guilds out their that don't follow the guidelines of what most people do and the combinations above don't have any RP reason for being prevented (Matis-Kami and Zorai-Karavan are very hard to explain as their civ-leaders are their religious leaders as well)

I'm sorry but I don't quite understand your point?

You are using a Matis player aligned to Kami and a Zorai player aligned to Karavan as an example? I'm a Tryker aligned (soon to be aligned) to Kami - using my example my options would be seeking citizenship with the Fyros or Zorai nations - the point is I will have citizenship with a nation instead of remaining undeclared because of my guild's civilization-neutral stance. Then I will have the benefits and titles that declaring to a nation allows.

That was meant in response to this:
So a Kami aligned guild can have members who are citizens of the Fyros and Zorai nations, and a Karavan aligned guild can have members who are citizens of the Matis and Tryker nations.

You want to open it up but restrict it in an other way instead ;-)


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