Involvement of players of all levels in digging/crafting events

1. The problem

The last proposal of Appletini made me think about a bit different reward system when digging or crafting tasks during event chains are set up. Especially in digging events, seasoned players with high levels or even masters enjoy unproportional advantages, as they can dig more and faster anyway, and of better or best qualities in addition. Not few have several or all ecos at high or even master levels.

Younger players are demoted to cpers if they are lucky to find someone to want cp. Their reward will suffer from lower quality and yield. When crafting is involved, the problem remains the same for digging the mats needed, even if there are crafting opportunities for lower levels.

2. The proposal

The idea is to give rewards (e.g. points in events like the temple outposts etc.) dependent on the level of the player involved. E.g. there may be q50, 100 .. 250 mats or craftings be required in certain quantities, but a digger or crafter would get rewarding points only similarly as she would get xp. That means that a level 50 melee weapon crafter building a flawless q80 weapon (because her amp crafting is already higher) would get 3 times the points for a q50 weapon like with normal overcrafting. A melee crafting master would get nothing or very few. Similarly with digging, a master getting nearly nothing for low qualities.

That might allow players to win rewards relative to their abilities, not just to their high levels achieved. The Ryzom playerbase has an overhead of high level players, that should not lead to frustrating and discourageing the newcomers we urgently need.


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