Ryzom points system

Good ideas, some comments

ad 1), 2) There are several "effect weapon plans" for every country, 1h and 2h melee and range, additionally shields and bucklers. On might choose the 2h weapon, similar to the generic weapons, as the special one (just an idea), i.e. sword - Tryker, axe - Fyros, mace - Zorai, and Pike - Matis. Or let the player choose.

Yet, one should not forget the Marauders, I think they should be entitled to something, say a crystal sword of Melkiar or so once reaching, say 2 times -100 fames. They might even be entitled to additional stuff when reaching all -100 fames which is a way with nearly no return at reasonable effort. They would have to pay in PvP points (maybe giving Dappers as well) as they have no way to earn civ points.

Extra damage of the special weapons should be significant but not likely to break balance which will be a tricky task for the designers. My idea would be that the plans for those weapons may be bought by every crafter from a teacher, but a plan requiring a special token similar to an op mat weapon plan. That token would be given to the player reaching the fame limit, he could give it to the crafter to get the weapon built. This token will be given once per player as long as it or the weapon built from it is not destroyed. Only players with the according fame were able to wield such a weapon.

ad 3) Here I am a bit hesitant. One should be wary not to cause inflation of civilization points. So I doubt in giving civ points for craft missions, Citizens already get a shitload of points (7k per day) compared to neutrals (1750 per day). As to the camps, I loved them and will be happy when they come back. But please mind that the camps have been erected after an event chain following the joint decision of the leaders of the 4 nations to erect these Kitin surveillance camps. This happened in an event chain with some digging and fighting as far as I can retrieve from the archives. I would like much when the camps are not carelessly placed at the old locations but be generated by the homins of all peoples.

ad 4) I fully agree.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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