Citizenship & Guild Fame Suggestion

Forgive me for my ignorance but I'm trying to figure out how I can best participate in RP events regarding the nations even though I've not declared myself citizen of a nation. Doing so I have some suggestions.

I'm undeclared and I can't declare citizenship because the mechanics of the game don't allow for an undeclared guild to have citizens. I don't participate in the assembly meetings because of this very reason though, given recent events I'm wanting to participate even more so that I can be involved and up to date on what is going.

Why not allow a guild to have multi-citizens? As an individual I should be able to raise my fame individually with the nation of my choice and not be limited by my guild's Civ choice. Guild fame and Player fame should be treated differently.

Here is an example:

When I first came to mainland I joined a guild because friends I met in Silan joined the same guild. When my friends stopped playing I realized I was not happy and seek an active guild - I found a great guild, active, helpful players, one with members that have enhanced my game play immensely. To be honest that's what one seek from a guild. Faction and civilization fame had no bearing on my decision to join a guild.

Here is my ideas:

Allow a civilization undeclared guild, yet cult declared, to have citizens of the nations aligned to the guild's cult-faction - but still keep the undeclared civ-guild to a 50 fame limit.

So a Kami aligned guild can have members who are citizens of the Fyros and Zorai nations, and a Karavan aligned guild can have members who are citizens of the Matis and Tryker nations. This will allow for members to have the options of declaring to a nation and be able to participate in the political game of their chosen nation. And this way a player isn't blocked from declaring citizenship if their guild happens to be Civ-neutral.

You might be wondering what happens if a guild with multi-citizens declares to a nation, what happens then?

Well, a guild can only declare to one nation, so technically it should be allow to gain fame with the nation it has declared alliance with, and keep all other nation fame at their undeclared caps. But their members should be able to continue to raise citizenship fame individually with the nation they've chosen based on the two options of their guild's cult alliance (as explained above).

What happens when a guild is neutral/neutral?

If the guild happens to be neutral/neutral their guild members should have the option to seek citizenship with all nations individually, so a neutral guild can have citizens in all nations but still have both cult/civilization fame' cap at 50.

The idea is to work around the current setting that limits or practically forces a player into declaring or undeclaring to a nation due to their guild's stance on the topic. Right now we only have option A or B we need an option C - we need options that can involve everyone.

~This is not a complain but my 2c on what I think would improve the mechanics of the fame system we have now~
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 11:47:17 UTC

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