Ryzom points system

This post is to post a few ideas that could help improve and add more content to the ryzom point system.
I will add a short summary at the bottom so if you don't want to read my "persuasive" waffle just scroll down :P

The only way you can obtain faction (faction=kami, kara, fyros etc) points only through NH missions or the temple building event (which has finished). There was previously the "tour of the camps" missions but they have stopped. In terms of showing off that you are a member of a particular civilization without actually telling people there is only a title. The four race plans are worn by all races and mixmatched. I believe more content could be added (with little work) to help reward people for being famous with a particular faction.

Each faction has its special items; Electric maces, burning axes etc etc. but to obtain these things you can just merely ask in uni and most likely receive a free one in a few minutes. My suggestion is that citizens with 100 civ fame should be able to purchase the special racial weapons, for example: Mabreka's electric mace. So this would add 4 main racial weapons to give homins a chance to show off.

In terms of purchasing these new weapons I believe the tour of the camps should be brought back and perhaps the missions given to you by overseers and other high up people could not only aid fame and give dappers but also perhaps reward civilization points.

Also whilst on the subject of points and giving more ways in which they should be obtainable I also think PvP points should be obtained by fighting in the selected PR zones and also during OP wars. Why limit these points to just tagged fighting? I won't talk about more PvP rewards as I have done before and the devs said they were considering it. Also appreciate the time they are taking to consider this as they must be putting a lot of thought into it with the length of time it is taking.

The summary:

1) 1 main racial item with the special skins we have seen. Burning axe, Electric mace, Waving spear (i think), Living pike

2) These items to be purchased with faction points and only for those who have 100 fame. (Not cheap)

3) Faction points to be more readily obtained from missions and re-introducing the tour of the camps run.

4) PvP points to be obtained in PR zones and OP wars.

A little extra idea for a bit more flare even though I have no idea how hard it would be to implement this:
The main racial weapons would do drain damage of their particular specialty. So for example the matis pike would not only do weapon damage but also inflict drain poison damage at the same time.



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