Soft toys!

(This is the translation of an idea posted by Eloan. Original text, in French, is available there).
Hello everyone,

There, I'm dreaming of them ... (real soft toys, I mean) and I think that I may not be the only one.
I've read some allusions on the forum, but quite far away in time.
There are self-funded solution, such as kick starter, etc... and it may even get some money to the game. That would be great, and that's why I'm submitting the idea :).

Creating soft toys or goodies inspired by our favorite mobs:
- yubo
- bodoc
- gubani
- frahar? :)
- etc...

Possible or not? Is there a copyright or something like that?
Well... My 2 cents, anyway :)


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.
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