Permanent Extraction Time Bonus Rite

Placio, it should be possible to optimize your digging, however long you have to do it, so that (with reasonable accommodation for careplanning, etc.) you generally run out of focus just as your time expires. This should mean that an extra couple seconds allows you to get another resource or two.

That said, the time extraction bonus is almost of no value for normal digging: you can add a stanza in your prospect to give yourself the same extraction time bonus for very little focus cost, and most serious diggers will heal focus right after prospect anyway, with almost no sensitivity to the amount of focus healed (... and thus the recharge time delay) from doing so. Conceivably, with group digging, it would be beneficial to have one person prospect with maximum stanza time bonus PLUS the rite time bonus, so that every last resource is extracted, but that would be hard to put together in practice, and there would probably be other more important things at stake even if one did.

Anyway, it is basically a worthless rite, except for what Krill noted. And possibly detrimental, for reducing the number of sources from a prospect that you can dig ... which is generally more efficient (due to the free focus recovery after each extraction) than longer time at fewer extractions.

I don' think it should be removed, though: it's another of those quirky Ryzom things that give the game a lot of its charm. ;-)
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