jet pack

been reading this thread and all i see are assumpions about a possible bad side to it, i have no idea how this could be a bad idea.

put it on the same skillbook spots as invul, give it same cooldown, done.

even if melee has to move toward a caster when engaged in pvp, its not like the x-meter jump would make that much diffrence, if any it would actually balance the squishy casters vs melee in 1vs1.
keep in mind that when a melee closes the gab between a caster the caster cant move away atm and when a caster does move he cant attack while a melee can attack him while chasing, giving everyone a x-minutes countdown escape (basicly a 1 time move in most pvp situations) wont be that much of a problem to melee, especially if u consider that the melee will be able to give chase the same way (with a jump aswell).

with the pvp aspect out of the way, the pve espect greatly improved when fleeing/backing-off from an agro, for both casters and melee


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