jet pack


I don't get it.  Mages already start anywhere from 35 to 50 meters from their targets, why do we need a jump(run)back? We already have speed-up actions that allow us to outrun (for some small time) everything in Atys.  We also have melee protection aura that allows us to either run or stand our ground and cast repeatedly.

Further, if mages have it, all homins have it.  There  is no such thing as "a mage" in Atys -- all homins have magic, just as all homins can fight (at least a little) and dig and craft.

I wouldn't mind having a "bug-out" action for when Fijoo or Slucer ambush me, but I make do with what we have and they don't actually trample me into the dust that often.  When they do I can either call on my friends to heal me or take the blessings of Jena and be transported to a safe place.

Beware when Atys offers you a cookie.  It's probably yours; and you will regret it.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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