jet pack

As said before the jetpack won't fly (pun intended) for the same reason that jumping doesn't. Plus: It would also require a world redesign to make sure there are no loopholes. And we may need to explain why folks cannot fly over the abyss at the borders of the world - it's already hard to understand that the planet has such sudden cliffs of infite depth.

Aynway, I like Stark's idea - considering the above maybe it's safe to hijack this thread?

The jumpback would be an interesting (and big) change to current strategies. As such I'd vote for it but only with a very high sap penalty. Let's say you can first learn it at level 125 (or so), and only with a 10m jump. You master it at lvl250 with 50m jump. The sap cost should grow geometrically and already be considerable from the start. Maybe it's a 1000 Sap pts for the 10m jump. Maybe it's just a plain "almost full drain"? Like an emergeny evacuation. Consider how much material and mental energy you'd require to teleport yourself.

The implemention also must be carefully done to not open a can of worms - eh: bugs. I could imagine it's implement as an invisible, very fast run backwards on the surface up to either the maximum spell range/level or the first obstacle encountered. If you're unlucky enough to stand in front of a tree: Tough luck. But that would be a fairly ok problem to get implemented while preventing any kinds of "let's go into the kami oasis"...
The fixed direction would help in keeping client interface work to a minimum because the homin couldn't/wouldn't need to select direction manually somehow while casting the spell.
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